It doesn’t seem that long ago that people thought a useful, working hybrid was a pipe dream. A few young professionals got into the action to be trendy… Some political types bought Prii (plural of Prius – Google it, it’s true) for their environmental statement. Others just wanted to ride the HOV lanes without company.
But most people thought that hybrid electric vehicles would always be expensive sardine cans. Or boring commuters. You may have even sworn you’d never drive one… Unless someone forced you.
Times have changed. And by owning the strategic metal Dysprosium, you still have the chance to profit from this exploding market.
The hybrid car market is more than just a “green” fantasy and shows promise on many levels…
In fact, not only is the European Union (EU) taking giant leaps towards mandating these vehicles, China is encouraging their population with huge financial incentives to choose electric or hybrid over gas.
Plus luxury car manufacturers are finally getting in on the action, meaning you might not even be forced into one of these environmentally friendly vehicles. You might jump at the chance to drive one.
Regardless of your personal view of the climate change discussion, one thing is certain.
Hybrid cars are becoming a part of the landscape, and as a smart investor, you want on the inside track. And you have a spectacular opportunity with Dysprosium.
Dysprosium is a soft strategic metal with a bright silver luster. Because it’s so soft, it can be cut with a knife and machined without sparking provided it’s not overheated.
What makes it valuable though is it has the highest magnetic strength of all the elements (tied with Holmium). This makes it perfect for use in electric motors – the backbone of hybrid electric cars.
Clearly, this means the demand for Dysprosium will skyrocket as the market grows. And this market shows no sign of slowing.
The European Union (EU) has made a strong commitment to de-carbonization, and have made the low-carbon economy a central policy priority. In other words, they are mandating everything be done to force drivers to adopt hybrid and electric vehicles into their lives and businesses.
They’re making it a staple in their centrally planned economy. It’s not just a matter of wanting to clean the environment. Their entire economy depends on it.
In a recent study of 32 of the most significant natural resources, the EU listed eight as critically at risk for supply shortages. And Dysprosium is the most “at risk.” You know as an investor, controlling a resource with such a limited availability is music to your ears.
In China, adoption of hybrid electric cars has been slow with 17,600 privately owned electric vehicles in 2013. But with over 1 billion people, and what will soon to be the world’s biggest economy, the potential is staggering.
Step 1 has been to introduce financial incentives ranging from $5,400 for hybrids to $9,100 for fully electric cars. There are discussions in raising these amounts, but what will make a bigger impact is tightening fuel efficiency rules. This will force consumers into these vehicles.
Even though the infrastructure to support electric and hybrid cars in China still lags, and sales haven’t been where they want, the government is putting pressure on manufactures to increase output. So you know sales pressure and incentives will continue.
As a true free market capitalist, I hate to see the government forcing anything down our throats. If I see it happening though, I’ll take advantage and profit from it.
But there’s something we’re seeing on the horizon making the future of electric cars, and your security and profits as a Dysprosium owner, even more exciting.
Hybrid electric vehicles are getting cool. Looking at the new BMW i8 Gran Coupe, I’m thinking it’s time to start considering a plug-in.

BMW is considering a new battery powered sedan, aimed at going head to head with Tesla’s Model S.
And it’s not just BMW getting in on the hybrid bandwagon. There are companies you would expect. Like Nissan, whose new Leaf recently took a high-speed run through a quiet village in Europe – just to prove it could be done without breaking the 100-decibel barrier.
And luxury brands like Porsche, who are working on a new hybrid Cayenne Coupe.
And let’s not forget Ferrari, whose 950 horse super car leaves anyone who laughed at the Prius in the dust – with an earth shattering 220 miles per hour top speed.
The important point is, whether you plan to drive a hybrid or electric car… And whether your government forces you to or not…
The European Union is mandating de-carbonization and China is giving huge financial incentives to its massive market. More and more manufactures are creating alternatives to the little commuter electric vehicle we used to picture.
This growing demand and critical supply shortage means one thing… Dysprosium is a metal you want in your portfolio now. It’s almost certain to beat inflation, making it a super hedge… And as Europe’s most “at risk” resource, profit potentials are massive.
Regardless of your personal beliefs in climate change, or wish to drive one of the multitudes of new electric and hybrid vehicles on the market, owning your own Dysprosium stockpile is a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor – before the worldwide demand for electric vehicles causes the value of Dysprosium to explode.